Quick update for this Friday morning!
Bo’s fevers are GONE! His last spike was Tuesday night and he’s been at beautiful, normal temps ever since. Also, all blood tests are negative for any type of infection. We are so relieved and grateful for answered prayer.
Another HUGE praise is that we learned that not only will Bo not need cranial radiation, he will not need ANY radiation AT ALL. We are speechless and in awe at the healing that has taken place in his body and are praising God for his kindness to our boy.
Lastly, Bo has gained weight! His care team warned us last cycle that because he needed some help gaining back the weight he lost, he may need a feeding tube this time around. Well, Bo has managed to put on some weight without assistance and we are so proud! He is also off all anti-nausea meds and is unhooked from fluids during the day.
Just wanted to share all of this wonderful news with you all. Thank you for your prayers and for sharing in our joy!

Praise the Lord!!! Val and I are praying every day for little Bo and all of you. So thankful for answered prayers!!!!! May you continue to feel the Holy Spirit’s comfort as you walk this journey!!