I can hardly believe today is Day +94. The last 3 weeks have flown by. Every day we are settling in more and more and finding our new routines. Bo is still going to clinic twice a week and will continue to until the end of January.
Thank you for your prayers on Monday for Bo’s ultrasound. We received the results and the area they are watching remains unchanged which is a good thing! They will check again in 3 months but for now they are feeling great about where he’s at.
Bo’s counts continue to fluctuate which we are told is appropriate for where he’s at post-transplant. His electrolytes remain stable, some lower than others but manageable from home.
Unfortunately Bo vomited while we were at clinic on Thursday and his feeding tube came up. We considered placing a new one, but considering how well he’s continued to eat, we decided to see how he does without it. The biggest challenge not having the tube is getting his medications in by mouth. He doesn’t enjoy taking so many meds and many of them don’t taste good at all, so we are figuring that out. But the goal is no tube and we are well on our way!
Being home together continues to be the biggest blessing. Our outlook has naturally changed during this journey and I can’t help but constantly feel deep gratitude every time I look at Bo. I find myself crying a lot—mostly good, healing tears.
We have been receiving Christmas cards from so many of you and I wish we could send one this year, but I recognize we just don’t have the bandwidth. So, from our hearts to yours—MERRY CHRISTMAS ? We are so grateful for how you’ve been such faithful partners with us in prayer and encouragement. We have so much to be grateful for this Christmas season—most importantly the birth of our Savior but also the healing of our precious Boaz ❤️
Prayer requests for this week:
- For Bo to continue to eat and to start gaining back some weight he’s lost
- For Bo’s kidneys to continue to heal and for them to start regulating his electrolytes
- For Bo to start sleeping better
This past week has been full of Christmas cheer! The kids decorated a gingerbread house, watched The Star, and Naomi and Lance were able to attend the Nutcracker ballet!

Praise God for all His wondrous works! I wonder if the meds would go down better with applesauce or chocolate milk (if Bo could have either). Chocolate tends to mask strong meds.
In the meantime, I hope and pray you all experience the joy, love and peace of the newborn King!
Merry Christmas!