September 19, 2019– Transplant Day, Part 2

Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to give a brief update. The transplant (infusion of marrow cells) went beautifully. It ran through Bo’s IV over one hour and Bo tolerated it well. With such a large volume for such a small boy, it did make his blood pressure climb a bit and we have been watching it closely and expect it to come down soon. We still aren’t out of the window for adverse reactions and Bo has been a little itchy/sensitive around his eyes and scalp, so we are watching that closely as well. They say the window for reaction is 16 hours, so we have about 12 hours to go.

There is so much I want to share about today, but am having a hard time processing everything right now. Until then, please know that Bo is doing great, we are nearly exploding with joy and gratitude, and we have deep peace walking forward. God has heard our prayers and He is faithful.

We covet your continued prayers as we face what could be a tough few weeks ahead as Bo’s new cells find their new home and start to grow. A nurse said it beautifully yesterday, that we are “planting seeds in his garden”. It reminded me of a Psalm close to my heart that says, “The LORD has done great things for us, we are glad…..He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” (Psalm 126:3,6)


The most beautiful bag of marrow we’ve ever seen!
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5 thoughts on “September 19, 2019– Transplant Day, Part 2

  1. Praise God, to him be all the glory. Baby Bo is an amazing baby. I’m at a loss for words. Y’all are filled with so much love faith and joy. I know Coco and Julian are thrilled to know it’s complete. Will continue to pray!!

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