March 14, 2020– Day +177


We hope you are all well and have what you need to stay well in the coming weeks. For us, this feels a lot like business as usual as we have been practicing self-quarantining and social distancing since Bo was diagnosed last April. It hasn’t been easy and we understand firsthand how different life feels when you’re confined to your home and anxious about germs. But we can say with full confidence that God is here. He sees. He knows. He hears. He cares.

Bo had a clinic appointment this past Monday. That appointment was the first one he’s had in 2 weeks. It’s been nice to see the slow progression of his appointments becoming spaced out more and more. When we first came home, they were twice a week, then in January they went to once a week, in February they went to every other week, and now our next appointment is a month away. God’s timing is perfect as we are so grateful for less hospital exposure as things with the Coronavirus are becoming more serious. We are also grateful for what it means for Bo’s overall health—his counts are looking good on all fronts and his liver and kidney functions are also continuing to improve. His doctor discussed removing his central line toward the end of April and we are really looking forward to that!

Another huge milestone for Bo is that he officially came off of the immunosuppressant medication he’s been on since the day before his transplant back in September. We began weaning the medication right after Christmas and his last dose was on February 23rd. His doctor described the effect of the medication as keeping the new cells calm by making them “under the influence”. Still somewhat functional, but not completely effective. Without the medication, they see the new cells attack the body (also called graft vs. host disease). The recipient’s body can’t handle the full force of these new and healthy cells and it causes more harm than good. They weaned the medication very slowly and Bo’s body handled it beautifully. Now being off the medication for 3 weeks, his new cells/immune system are becoming more effective by the day. What perfect timing. Bo is still considered immunocompromised since his body still has a ways to go until it’s up to full speed, but we are so grateful for the timing of everything.

I have been thinking a lot about others around the world who are immunocompromised, in treatment, or even waiting for a transplant. I don’t know what things look like with people being able to donate life saving marrow (you must be healthy) and with travel restrictions, couriers being able to get that marrow to those waiting for it. It is a very anxious time for many, no matter their situation. I have been praying for those who are scared and waiting and praying that God will make a way for them. Would you join me?

Our journey has opened my eyes to the vulnerable in our world and in our communities. When I look at Bo, I see a healthy, thriving boy. But he is amongst the more vulnerable in our world. When you wash your hands more frequently and make the sacrifice to stay home, you’re doing those things for Bo and others like him. Thank you doesn’t seem sufficient.

As for us, we are hunkering down at home as usual. Several of you have reached out to ask if we need any supplies to save us from exposure at the store. I cannot even begin to express how loved and cared for we feel. We have what we need and are grateful to have a safe place to spend the next several weeks/months. We will be continuously praying for you, our friends and family around the world, as we seek to show the love and peace of Christ to our neighbors and communities. May God bless you and keep you.

Bo’s very last dose of the immunosuppressant medication
Heading out to our church’s annual Daddy-Daughter Dance
So excited she can barely contain it
Always coloring
Remembering Lance’s mom together
He’s the best at finding hiding places
Glow stick bath!
His lion ROAR! is the best
We got the tiniest bit of snow this morning!
Posts created 114

2 thoughts on “March 14, 2020– Day +177

  1. Praise God! Chloe, thank you so much for the great report and darling pictures. This made our day! 🙂 We will continue praying for Bo’s complete restoration to full health. We love you guys….

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