This past Sunday was the 1 year anniversary of Bo’s diagnosis. In some ways it feels like it’s been 10 years, in other ways it feels like it was yesterday. The week leading up to it felt heavy, especially with all the suffering and heartache going on in our world. I cried off and on all week and Lance and I talked a lot about how we were feeling. But a wonderful thing happened—when the day finally arrived we were at peace. We had peace because we were so overcome with gratitude for all God has done and all we have witnessed. We spent a long time in prayer simply thanking God for his mercy and faithfulness, recounting memories when we witnessed things we couldn’t explain. We thanked God for all of you who walked with us and held us up and showed us what it looked like for the body of Christ to actually BE the body of Christ.
This coming Monday we head to the hospital for Bo’s clinic appointment. I wrestle with anxiety when I consider taking Bo to the place where there are dozens of diagnosed patients of the virus, but at the same time I remember that God knows that and we need to trust him. My mom sewed us masks and we will wear those and pray for protection over our boy, ourselves, and our whole care team. We have the first appointment of the day, so we are eager to get in and out! Will you be praying for our protection on Monday?
This appointment is important not only to check on Bo’s counts (which we will continue to do monthly), but because they will be doing a chimerism test since we celebrated Bo’s 6 month transplant anniversary on March 19th. The chimerism test is to make sure that his blood is still 100% donor. As you may recall, they preformed this test back in January as well when they did his bone marrow biopsy and all looked good. Tests like the chimerism test and bone marrow biopsies always stir up some anxiety, so will you be praying for our hearts to be steadfast in trusting that God knows all and has his hand on our boy?
We wanted to share a really special series we watched recently in hopes that it comforts and encourages you in this season. I’m sure some of you have seen it already, but for those of you who haven’t, I hope you enjoy it! We’ve never seen Jesus and other people from the Bible portrayed in this light before—they were average people living normal lives when Jesus comes into the picture (the creators did a great job of creating backstories that, though fictional, feel authentic). You can find it on YouTube when you search for The Chosen, or in the App Store under The Chosen—you’ll need to download The Chosen app to view it, but I promise it’s well worth it! As far as I know it’s free to watch due to the donations of people “paying it forward”, so if you enjoy it and are able, consider paying it forward and sharing it!
Thank you so much for this update!!! You are not alone in your tears! Many are crying! And then He reminds us, He has this… all of it! I do have tp for you and can do a flyby anytime. Let me know. Who knew that would be the coveted commodity?!!
Sending love to you all,