April 29, 2019

Bo’s ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count)—a type of white blood cell that fights against infection—jumped to 200 today! We can’t believe it! They were 70 on Saturday, 90 yesterday, and 200 today. All of his other blood counts are also looking great, and his care team let us know that we could potentially be headed home TOMORROW! God is so kind to us!!!

A few things they are keeping an eye on between now and then—ANCs need to be at 200 or higher again tomorrow and no fevers between now and discharge.

Bo spiked a fever late last week and was put on an antibiotic to prevent infection. They took him off the antibiotic early this morning since he has not had any more fevers, but they want to observe him for 36 hours to make sure the fever doesn’t reappear. After that, we will monitor him closely at home and bring him in for any temp over 100.5. Praying for normal, healthy temps at home!

Please praise God with us for His kindness, grace, and healing!

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One thought on “April 29, 2019

  1. Oh my! The valleys and mountain tops you are traveling! Thank you for sharing this very personal time so that we can pray for and with you! So our hearts can get a glimpse of what your hearts are experiencing!
    So we can see His majesty at work! Carry on in His Constant Care,
    Julie and Tom

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