September 28, 2019– Day +9

Brief update and prayer request:

Unfortunately, Bo has continued to gain fluid, most of it gathering in his tummy. From yesterday to today he has gained one pound. They gave him a medicine to help get the fluid off, but he has continued to not respond as hoped.

Our understanding is that there is fluid in his belly (and all over his body) that should be in his blood vessels. The medicines work in drawing the fluid into the kidneys from the vessels, but his body needs to get the fluid into the vessels in the first place. That’s where the struggle is.

This morning they are pairing the med they’ve been giving with a new med to help it work better. Our goal today is no further weight gain.

If this new pairing does not work, we will try a slow, continuous drip of the medicine. This would need to be done in the ICU, as it needs to be monitored closely.

If that still doesn’t give the desired results, Bo would stay in the ICU and be put on dialysis.

All of this is hard, scary, and overwhelming, but we are grateful there are plans in place and doctors who are taking good care of our boy.

Will you please be praying for:

Boaz’ body to get the fluid from his body into his vessels where it belongs

For Bo to respond to the medicines to help facilitate this

For protection over his kidneys

For engraftment to happen soon

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3 thoughts on “September 28, 2019– Day +9

  1. We are continuing to pray for you and sweet little Bo! Thank you for keeping us updated so we know how to pray.

    For we are powerless before this vast number that comes to fight against us. We do not know what to do, but we look to you.
    2 Chronicles 20:12

  2. Lance and Chloe…..know how we are upholding you in prayer during this difficult time. We can’t imagine the pain you are going through. May you sense The Lord’s presence in a powerful and loving way! We continue to pray for wisdom for the medical team trying to do their best for Bo, but most of all…..for God’s hand to protect and heal little Bo.

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