September 30, 2019, Finally in the PICU

We have been blown away by the prayers and support we have received today. Were in not for all of you and the grace of God poured out on us, we would have crumbled. Thank you doesn’t seem sufficient.

Bo’s line placement surgery went well. We finally got into our room in the PICU around 5pm and he’s been fighting to move around. Unfortunately, because of where his new line is placed, we need to keep him still. I think that will be one of the biggest challenges for us as parents in the coming weeks. So far we have stood on either side of his bed for almost 3 hours holding his arms at his side and keeping him calm.

The nurses are currently priming the dialysis machine and will be bringing it in any minute. They have said that everybody adjusts to it differently, but it can be rocky. They are referring to keeping blood pressure steady and the machine from clotting. Big prayers are needed for dialysis to go smoothly. Bo will be on dialysis 24/7 for several weeks.

They also brought in the med that is going to help heal this liver and unblock it. This is going to be a complicated operation balancing so many meds, fluids, etc. and the med has risks and side effects.

We are feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, but trying to take it one day at a time and feeling good about the medical staff God has put around us.

They have say the first 48 hours are the roughest, so we are desperate for your prayers to carry us.

So many of your have reached out and every text, message, comment, and email are read. If you don’t hear back immediately, please know that we see it and it means SO MUCH to us. Also, if I could be so bold, please don’t stop reaching out. We feel so encouraged knowing you’re praying and when you take the time to remind us, God uses that to encourage us and keep us going.

We love you all so very much. Seeing how loved Bo is brings me to tears all day long. The family of God is a precious thing to be a part of. Thank you for bringing our boy and family before God and carrying us on your faith.

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12 thoughts on “September 30, 2019, Finally in the PICU

  1. Thank you for your update….you and Lance and Bo are truly an inspiration for us to lean on the Lord for Hope and strength……never apologize for reaching out for prayers and support. We are standing in prayer……Please Lord, bring Gidly order to little Bb’s body and minister into his spirit. Also minister into the hearts of his wonderful family.❤️❤️

    1. Been praying for all of you …. we are grateful to receive the updates and to be able to track with you . Thank you for sharing so openly and being so real . Words cannot truly express the depth and emotions conjures up through Bo and all of you…. God will never leave or forsake us and is near to the broken hearted … may his overriding presence , peace and kindness fill every part of everyday . Love you Laura and Michael Bagby

  2. If only right now there could exist a map with the tack markings of where prayers are happening for Bo Briggs, the two of you, and the medical team. That visual would blow you away. Our God is massive and prayers for Bo are likewise.
    Huge hugs from bunched up “tacks” in AZ.

  3. We are praying for all of you from So Calif, and so is our Bible Study Fellowship leaders, and our church prayer teams at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. We know our God is surrounding you with His presence and filling you with His Holy Spirt moment by moment. He created your little guy and he is precious to Him. And so are you both. Lean into Him and rest in Him. He is our Rock and ever present help in times of trouble…
    ?Terry and Rob DePartee

  4. Oh Chloe your updates are so detailed with such love….I am in awe by your words and your strength….
    I can hardly clear the lump in my throat and fight back the tears as I see your face, as you’re holding on to Bo’s precious arm…I don’t know if you know, but your Bo is at the top of my prayer list everyday for the past few months, as well as peace, comfort, strength, rest, trust, and encouragement for you, Lance, your daughter, grandma’s, grandpa’s and all of the family…
    I will continue to pray that Bo keeps fighting until the Bone Marrow Transplant adjusts so that he can come home to his Momma’s arms, healed for many years to come….
    My love and faithful prayers,

  5. My heart breaks for you looking at the pictures and reading this update. Praying for healing for Bo, strength, peace, comfort and wisdom for the family and the medical team. Asking Jesus to cradle this beautiful boy in his arms and make him well.

  6. Father God, hear the sound of our plea. In your great mercy, hear and answer us. Jesus, we adore You. We give our lives completely to You. We trust in You and ask, that you strengthen and heal us as we pray in earnest before You our beloved King of kings.

  7. You don’t know me, but I’ve been in prayer for Bo and your family since April 7th. The Lord definitely prompts me to pray at various times, but thank you for letting us know specifics to be praying for. I will continue to lift you all up in prayer. May you all find rest and comfort and strength as believers all around the world lift you and your family up.

  8. Father God please hear the sound of our multitude of voices that reach out to you to offer Bo the healing that you can make happen. We oh Lord realize how powerful Prayer is when raised by so many souls that Love and Trust in you dear Lord. Please Dear God guide the skilled hands of the medical staff and doctor’s as this new procedure of dialysis is implemented to relieve the fluid in Bo’s body and help this fluid to be directed to the vessels and find the normal path of excretion from his body. We pray dear Father that the donor marrow will begin en-grafting and that Bo’s white blood cell will continue to increase day by day. Oh Lord provide comfort to Bo and his Family in all ways, physically, mentally and spiritually. We thank you for your watchful care over Bo and trust that your hand is upon him and his Family.

  9. My husband and I are keeping precious little Bo and your family in prayer.
    LORD, You are the One who protects us and gives us strength; You help us in times of trouble. Please strengthen this family and Bo and bring complete healing on this side of heaven. Amen

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