Unfortunately, Bo is still spiking fevers this morning. Through the night he got as high as 103. Luckily he is able to have Tylenol, so that keeps him somewhat comfortable. He is most comfortable when he is being held, and we are more than happy to oblige!
Bo hasn’t been able to produce the urine output they were hoping for since coming off of dialysis yesterday, so they’re going to try putting him back on for just a few hours today. They will be doing day-to-day reassessments on his fluid intake and output and will adjust the plan accordingly. It could mean he goes back on dialysis for a few days, we just can’t know at this point.
A HUGE praise we have to celebrate today is that his ANC is 740! Bo is halfway to a normal ANC count! This number tripled from yesterday. This could definitely explain some of the fevers, and also puts him in a better place for fighting off infections. Bo hasn’t had an ANC this high or come back this fast EVER. This is a big milestone for him and his new marrow and we are SO excited for what this means for his body long term.
The CMV virus I mentioned a few days ago has continued to grow, so they are watching it closely. The fever could definitely be playing a part in that as well. It’s nice to know there are some possible explanations for the fever and that they are keeping a close eye. For now, we are just keeping Bo as comfortable as possible and supporting his body while it’s working hard to heal and grow new cells.
Despite the fever and these complications with his liver and kidneys, we feel like we are receiving hopeful news. Things are slow going, but all headed in the right direction. God has been so kind and near this week. For a while I felt like I could barely catch my breath–one blow after the next. But you held us up on your faith through your prayers and God carried us. We are hopeful this weekend will be full of good, peaceful, healing days.

Love to see those photos! We will keep praying for God to bring godly order in Bo’s body! Praise God for the good things that are taking place. Praise God for the strength, and faith of you, Bo’s parents. May He continue to keep you and uphold you as you lean on Him??
Dear Lance and Chloe,
Your Mom, Juliana, is my (Patricia) boss at Haggai. I am praising God that because of knowing her, now we know your family. God is using some of the spiritual gifts in me and my husband, Art, on Bo’s behalf.
Art often wakes up during the night and has consistently been lifting Bo up to the Lord. Me, I am a pain-carrier. I am crying and weeping along with you, while maintaining faith in our Lord’s goodness and ability to heal.
I am quite amazed at the medical team surrounding your little boy. They have an intense job. I am praying the Lord’s Sharon and wisdom for them…..the wisdom of Solomon.
We appreciate these updates. Bo’s story = God’s glory. Hugs and blessings.
Thank you so much for these updates. To hear of prayers being answered encourages me to pray more and more!