October 22, 2019– Day +33

Bo had good days yesterday and today! I think settling back into life on our oncology floor has really helped. It feels like he’s coming back to us slowly but surely.

We learned yesterday that Bo’s blood type has officially changed to that of his donor. Bo went from A+ to A-. This is a big deal as it means his journey to engraftment is going well. He was supposed to get a bone marrow biopsy on day +28, but with everything going on in the PICU, they decided to postpone it. He will get the biopsy done tomorrow at 2:30pm PST. This is to look for any sign of lingering leukemic cells. Our prayer is that there are NONE and that there never will be ever again!

Bo had an ultrasound last night to check on his liver function. We just learned today that his liver is looking good and the clogging they found several weeks ago is gone! PRAISE GOD! He has completed the liver medication that causes a risk of bleeding, so it’s a relief to know that isn’t a concern any longer. Bo still has a distended belly, but it’s much better than it was. We have been told that he will likely go home with a big belly and it will take months for his liver to shrink back to normal size. As unfortunate as this is, we are just grateful for how God has spared his life these past few weeks and has sustained his healing

We just received the results of Bo’s CMV test from Monday and it is down by half! The counts were around 1100 last Thursday, he received the super cells on Friday, and as of Monday the counts were 600. They hope to see more improvement by Thursday when they redo the test. Praying we can get him off the CMV medication and continuing to pray for the protection of his graft.

It’s hard to believe we have been in the hospital 43 days so far. I hope to be home by Thanksgiving, and our care team seems to think that’s a realistic goal. We can’t wait to see our boy back at home and on the other side of this part of his healing process. We are so grateful for your continued prayers and support!

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9 thoughts on “October 22, 2019– Day +33

  1. Oh Lord Thank you, we Praise you and we are so grateful to you. We ask that you continue to Bless Bo and his Family with the Power of your Healing and please fill them with the Holy Spirit.
    I can’t Thank you enough oh Lord our God and Father!
    Bo your smile brings tears of Joy to me.
    Rock on my small Friend!

    1. What Greg said!!!! This is such joy! I am beyond grateful for our healing God! Kyle Robin and Elayna send their love to all of you too!

  2. So heartwarming to see Bo’s smile!! We are praising the Lord with you for so many great answers to prayer!!
    We continue to keep him lifted up to our Lord for continued and complete healing!!

  3. What a joy!! The best thing I’ve heard in a long while!!!! Bo looks so good!! What a darling little tough guy he is, and God bless him.
    So thankful to God for answered prayers, and for sustaining you all on this perilous journey. Our prayers will continue for all the things you mentioned, and especially getting home for Thanksgiving ❤️
    Much love, Karen Johnson

  4. Rejoicing with you and will continue to lift you up in prayer . We love you guys . May the Lord continue to show up and do His thing . Laura Bagby

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